Showing posts with label News Insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News Insurance. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Asuransi contractor’s All Risk (CAR) dan ketentuannya

Informasi Seputar AsuransiAsuransi contractor’s All Risk (CAR) dan ketentuannya - Dalam Asuransi contractor’s All Risk (CAR), periode jaminan asuransinya memiliki ketentuan yang spesifik. 
Pada wording CAR Munich Re, ketentuan Periode berlakunya polis adalah sejak dimulainya pekerjaan atau sesaat setelah dilakukannya unloading material yang disebutkan dalam schedule polis di lokasi proyek.
Sementara jaminan polis berakhir ketika sudah terjadi serah terima pekerjaan (contract works) atau saat obyek konstruksi tersebut sudah mulai dioperasikan (put into service) atau setelah uji coba, selambat-lambatnya sesuai dengan tanggal yang telah di sebutkan dalam schedule polis.
Kontraktor di dalam perjanjian kerjanya seringkali diwajibkan untuk melaksanaan pekerjaan perawatan (Maintenance) atas pekerjaan yang sudah selesai tersebut  selama periode tertentu yang disepakati. Pada saat perawatan biasanya kontraktor memastikan bahwa bangunan ataupun mesin yang terpasang dalam kondisi yang baik dan tidak mengalami masalah dalam pengoperasian rutinnya dikemudian hari.
Pada periode perawatan tersebut, Polis CAR sudah tidak berlaku dan oleh karena itu kerugian akibat sebab apapun tidak dijamin. Untuk mensolusikannya asuransi menggunakan klausul endorsement polis untuk tetap dapat memberikan jaminan pada periode perawatan ini.
Endorsement yang sering digunakan adalah endorsement 003 (Maintenance Visits Cover) dan Endorsement 004 (Extended Maintenance Cover). Dengan ditambahkannya klausula ini, maka polis akan menjamin kerugian pada obyek pertanggungan di masa perawatan akibat tindakan perawatan atau pemeliharaan yang dilakukan kontraktor.

Isi Endorsement 003 (maintenance visits cover) adalah sebagai berikut:
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover solely loss of or damage to the contract works caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract.

Maintenance cover: from _____________________ to ___________________
Extra premium: ________________________________________
Contoh kerugian yang dijamin misalnya:

  • Pecahnya kaca-kaca saat dilakukan pekerjaan pembersihan puing-puing atau akibat terkena alat-alat para pekerja yang sedang melakukan perawatan.
  • Terjadinya kebakaran saat dilakukan pengelasan untuk perbaikan sambungan pekerjaan tertentu.
  • dsb

Isi Endorsement 004 (extended maintenance cover) adalah sebagai berikut:
 It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorses thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover loss of or damage to the contract works.
-          Caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract.
-          Occurring during the maintenance period provided such loss or damage was caused on the site during the construction period before the certificate of completion for the lost or damaged section was issued.

Maintenance cover: from ________________________ to ____________________________
Extra premium: __________________________________
Pada klausul ini, disamping memberikan jaminan kerugian akibat tindakan perawatan oleh kontraktor juga memberikan jaminan atas kerugian pada masa pemeliharaan yang disebabkan oleh ‘perils’ pada pekerjaan konstruksi sebelumnya. Misal: Robohnya dinding tembok saat dilakukan perawatan pengecatan, dimana roboh tersebut diakibatkan kurang lekatnya ikatan antar batu bata yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian pekerja dalam mencampur semen dan pasir sehingga tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasinya.

Endorsement-endorsement tersebut hanya menjamin resiko sesuai dengan jaminan yang diberikan oleh polis dasarnya, yaitu polis CAR. Oleh karna itu, saat maintenance period, tertanggung juga perlu melindungi obyek pertanggungan dari resiko-resiko yang tidak dijamin polis CAR melalui asuransi lainnya, missal: Asuransi Property All risk (PAR), Machinery Breakdown (MB), dll.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Checking Insurance Costs While Buying A New Car

All About Insurance - Many people do not realize that their cars are costing them too much money on insurance. It is probably too late for them for the time being. It is not easy to sell the vehicle you have so that you can buy another one. At least, it is a costly practice that it does not make sense to carry out as the savings may not justify it. However, motorists should consider their options properly when they are buying a new one.
Once you buy an automobile with good insurance ratings you will be able to save money for the next a few years. Generally, a new automobile would last four or five years. Car insurers like safer vehicles since they cause a lot less damages and injuries in cases of accidents. These are not just guesswork. Companies, universities and other vehicle safety organizations carry out many tests to see how effective certain cars in accidents.
Auto manufacturers carry their own tests and improve their vehicles every day. Actually, sometimes a new automobile can cost cheaper to insure than an older one due to improved safety and theft protection features. Save thousands of dollars because of the reduced claims is a good proposition for carriers. The best solution is protection before the troubles occur.
When you are purchasing a vehicle you are in the best position to control the variables. At this stage you can pick a better build model among similar vehicle choices than the less reliable ones. This is your first option when the prices are similar. When there is a difference and the safer one is more expensive, you will need to consider and calculate if the savings you will get on insurance over the next five years will make it worthwhile.
Of course, you need to add the peace of mind you will have with a car you know will protect you and family members better. This part is priceless for many parents. That is why they look for safer automobiles even though they are not as attractive as they like or a bit more expensive. You can never know what could happen once you are behind the wheel. Reducing unknowns with insurance and bringing the odds of injuries with safer cars are smart moves to make.
One of the simplest ways of checking which car is better for you from insurance point of you is to get quotes. Getting quotes for insuring the vehicles in your maybe list will reveal which one is preferred for companies. Usually, safer cars are cheaper to insure and therefore lower premium is a good indication of safety.
Alternatively, you can check the insurance ratings of a model you are considering buying. This can be achieved pretty easily by searching for such information online. Your broker or agent can help you on this are as well. It may sound like you have to opt for a dull car instead of a cool and flashy one. In fact, it could be as simple as going for Brand A instead of B or model A instead of others. Those cars can be as good looking and cool as any others in the market.

Auto Insurance Implications Of Determining Fault

All About Insurance - Once a driver is found to be the main cause of an accident his/her car insurance rates would increase at the next renewal. The rises will depend on the size of the accident and the previous driving history. Sometimes, the rates can skyrocket especially when this is the second or third incident in a short space of time. It may even lead to immediate cancellation of the policy if the policyholder was under the influence of alcohol at the time.
Generally companies follow the evidence when they work out who is at fault in an accident. There may be several companies involved if it is a multi-car crash. The outcome must be acceptable to each of them and therefore conclusive evidence need to be used. Sometimes, you may come across a driver who is totally nonsense in the scene and making wild allegations towards other drivers involved. However, being the loudest will not work when everything else point towards that person.

It may take a while but they will look at the details provided by you, other drivers and witnesses. Generally, there would be a police report in most crashes. When there is such report it will be highly relied upon. Otherwise, it is sensible to take a few pictures before clearing the scene. Today, nearly everyone has mobile phones with camera that this should not be a problem. It is in your best interest to provide as much information as you can.
Car insurance companies would send a loss adjustor to investigate the incident on their behalf. Policyholders may feel that adjustors are trying to corner them. However it is in their best interest to conclude the claim fast and amicably. They would not like to fall in conflict with the policyholder and take the prolonged and even sometimes legally complicated route. Besides, they are on the same side as you when they need to defend you against the claims from third parties.
It is possible that both drivers may be found at fault or it is allocated as a percentage of the blame. Then, companies work out a settlement between themselves. If you were totally innocent and third party insurers paid for all the damages you should not really see any difference in your renewal terms. It would be treated as if nothing happened in terms of calculating the cost of insuring you.
If you want to keep low auto insurance rates you need to take every help you can get to refute allegations that your cause the accident within reasons. Failing that, your best course of action would be to zero the clock and start building good driving records from then onward. Still, you will have to shop around harder to find more reasonable carrier which may offer an agreeable premium despite the claims.


Florida Auto Insurance Now

All About Insurance
Florida Auto Insurance Now
Florida Insurance By the Numbers
24% of Uninsured Motorists in Florida†
$1,764 Average Annual Cost of Auto Insurance in Florida††

Florida Insurance Minimums
Florida state law requires the following minimum car insurance coverage for FL auto insurance policies:

Bodily Injury Liability
$10,000 Limit
Property Damage Liability
$10,000 Limit

The More You Know about Florida Car Insurance, the Better
When it comes to Florida auto insurance, The Hartford knows more than just about anyone. After all, we’ve been insuring people and their property since 1810.

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If you're shopping around for Florida auto insurance quotes, The Hartford should be on your list of insurers to check out. We understand Florida and the laws governing Florida car insurance. And we offer benefits not found with other car insurance providers.

Helpful Information for Florida Drivers
Florida DMV Locations
Florida DMV Forms
